Last updated: November 15th, 2020
This page will let you know how to interact with Voila from another application.Scheme URL
You can input data into Voila using the Voila scheme URL.This URL is formatted so: voila://[action]?[params]
Possible actions
[action] can be replace with any action from this list:- input
Possible parameters
[params] depends of the [action] you are calling."input" parameters
Here are the keys which can be used along the "input" action, as parameters:- card
- position
- date
- number
- keyword
Here are some example of scheme URL which would work with the "input" action:
- voila://input?card=3D - Inputing the Three of Diamonds into Voila
- voila://input?position=0H&keyword=Guillaume%20Bellut - Inputing the Ten of Hears and Guillaume Bellut into Voila
- voila://input?position=12&date= 1496934000&number=456 - Inputing the Three of Diamonds, June the 8th, 2017, and 456 into Voila
"card" param
Used to input a card into Voila. The card's value must be on 2 characters: the first one matching the card's value and the second one the card's suit.Values are going so:
- "1" for Ace
- "2" for Two
- "3" for Three
- "4" for Four
- "5" for Five
- "6" for Six
- "7" for Seven
- "8" for Eight
- "9" for Nine
- "0" for Ten
- "J" for Jack
- "Q" for Queen
- "K" for King
Suits are going so:
- "S" for Spades ♠️
- "H" for Hearts ♥️
- "C" for Clubs ♣️
- "D" for Diamonds ♦️
You can also use "JJ" to input the Joker card.
Some example of card values:
- "1C" - Ace of Clubs
- "3D" - Three of Diamonds
- "0S" - Ten of Spades
- "KH" - King of Hearts
- "JJ" - Joker
The Joker card can not be transmitted at the moment.
"position" param
Used to input a card into Voila through its position from the user's stacked deck. The position's value must be an integer between 1 and 52.Some example of position values along with Juan Tamariz's Mnemonica stacked deck:
- 1 - Four of Clubs
- 52 - Nine of Diamonds
The Joker card can not be transmitted at the moment.
"date" param
Used to input a date into Voila. The date's value must be a timestamp.Some example of date values:
- 601302600 - 20th of January, 1989
- 1604349590 - 2nd of November, 2020
"number" param
Used to input a number into Voila. The date's value must an absolute integer.Some example of position values:
- 123
- 1234567890
"keyword" param
Used to input a keyword into Voila. The keyword's value must a URL encoded string.Some example of keyword values:
- "Steve%20Jobs"
- "Daft%20Punk"
- "tiger"
API Fetching
Since the 5.4 version, Voila is now proposing a feature to fetch any API from any URL.User can use any key from a JSON dictionary or a any simple string and match it with a Voila keyword. Keywords can then be used for Voila tricks.